Delhi Conclave(2011)


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Brief Report/Rapporteur Report

By Aaron Pamei


I am very pleased to be given the opportunity to be the rapporteur of this gathering and I am sure my colleague Ms Samlam Hegwang also feels the same. As such, I will be the last speaker, and thus have the last word.  I am used to having the last word. At home I always have the last word. As some of you know, the last word is always, “Yes, dear”.

It is customary for the rapporteur to thank the hosts and organisers of such a meeting for their efforts and achievements in carrying through the hard work and attention to details that marked today’s gathering. I confess that I cannot do that as to merely thank them in the name of everyone here would be insufficient. I therefore ask all of you to join with me in a standing ovation for our organisers and hosts.

There are several versions of the rapporteur’s job. One is that the rapporteur is like a stenographer, noting down what is said and repeating it back. A second is that the rapporteur condenses what has been said and reports it. A third version is that the rapporteur makes connections between the various papers, and points out overlaps and gaps. Finally, there is the role of the rapporteur as evaluating the various ideas and reports that have been delivered, making judgements about them. Ideally, perhaps a rapporteur should do some of each of these things. But an ideal is something that is never achieved, and you will find that it is true in this case.

Let me, before going to the main paper presentations; begin by highlighting the addresses made by the convenor and the guest speakers in the inaugural session of this gathering.

 Key Note address

In the Key Note address delivered by the convenor, Mr Rangro Herie, he elaborated the theme of the meet “One People, One Vision, One voice”. He brought to the fore the geographical & historical aspects of the ZLR being one community, of the people having one common sense of purpose and having one voice echoing since the time of the freedom fighters Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu. He also threw challenges to the gathering: Are you willing to sacrifice your own selves for the cause of the people? Do you share the same dream? Are you willing to contribute for an endowment fund for meritorious ZLR students of academic excellence?

 We have also heard the short speeches delivered eloquently by the leaders who have come all the way from the home states for this meet.


Zeliangrong Baudi

The respected President of the Zeliangrong Baudi, AMN, Mr. Raitu Chawang, while bringing warm greetings from home, appreciated the efforts of the organisers and expressed his happiness to learn that Delhi has the largest Zeliangrong community outside our home states. He especially appreciated the Key Note address of the convenor.  He reminded us that talk is easy and that without real love and concern for the people expressed through action, declaring ‘Zeliangrong Ringtelo’ does not amount to anything. He also listed out two issues the Zeliangrong Baudi is actively pursuing:

  • Reconciliation and unity among the Zeliangrong; and
  • Integration of all Zeliangrong areas/people.

 All Zeliangrong Students’ Union (AZSU)

Mr. Tingenlung Pamei, President of AZSU highlighted the threats currently being faced in each of the three states:

  1. Encroachment in the Intangki Forest in Nagaland
  2. Creation of Jiribam and Sadar Hills districts in Manipur
  3. Dimasa problem in Assam

He expressed his concern at the divisions between the people and also within the organisations in the home states. He wondered if we are prepared for the ‘solution’ that is expected shortly. We must prepare ourselves educationally, economically and socially to meet the challenges. He exhorted the intellectual community to contribute through their analytical and scholarly write ups and articles to local dailies of the home states. He reminded all of us  “irrespective of what or where you are today, the day you die, your body will come back home”.


Zeliangrong Youth Front (ZYF)

Mr Romeo Palmei, President of ZYF, highlighted the various issues the Front has been involved in putting pressure on the Govt to preserve and protect the interests of our people and improve our future prospects. He informed the gathering of the efforts being made in opposing the creation of the Sadar Hills district. They have also taken various steps to bring pressure on the Govt for  merger of all areas in Manipur inhabited by ZLR, including those in  Churachandpur and Sadar Hill areas, with Tamenglong District. He also enlightened the gathering about the disproportionate under – representation of the Tribal Districts in the Manipur Assembly and to be aware of the dangers of the policy of the State Govt to maintain the status quo when Delimitation Commission of India exercises re-organisation of the Assembly & Lok Sabha seats in 2025. He called on all the people to come forward to protect the resources and work together.


Zeliangrong Theological Forum (ZTF)

The ZTF President   informed the gathering that the Forum was started   to enable various church workers, irrespective of the Associations/ Organisations under whom they are working, to come under a common platform to discuss various issues and chart a common way forward. He elaborated on five criteria for a strong community. They are Honesty, Humility, Respect to differences in viewpoints, Trust and Continuous/frequent interaction between members of the community and organisations.

 Now, I shall come to the papers presented to us by the resource persons and try to sum up the issues touched upon.


 Zeliangrong – Past, Present and Future     

By Akham Gonmei Newmei, former President, AZSU


Our leader Mr Akham Gonmei Newmei, former President of AZSU, in his paper had gone into detail about the past, tracing our history way back to 223 BC, during  the Chin dynasty of China. He had meticulously followed the trails of our ancestors who called themselves Longdimai and their journey through Mahou Taobei, Loichingh, Makhel, Marem Khundi and Makuilongdi to Chawangphungning  from where we had dispersed to the various regions in the present times.

In the present context, he provided us glimpses of the coming together politically of the people as Naga through the formation of Naga Club and on to the Naga Raj movement and the involvement of the ZLR people in that movement and the progress of the people up to the present day where we are saddled with the current problems of Intangki Forest, Dimasa and Sadar Hills.

He has expressed that the way forward into the future lies in owning up to the past mistakes of commission and omission collectively and working together for a common purpose. In this, all clans, Peis and church leaders need to play constructive roles.


Zeliangrong Movement: Problems and Prospects 

Mathiupuang Gonmei, Asst Registrar, IGNOU & Poujenlung Gonmei, Makaamei Foundation


Mathiupuang Gonmei and Poujenlung Gonmei have presented in detail the given topic beginning with British colonialism in the Zeliangrong Country and through the ZLR movements under Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu and also the ZLR people’s participation in the Naga Struggle during NNC period. They also touched upon the ZPC movement and its suspension. They discussed in detail the identity crisis of the people, the divisive threats to the common identity from within and without, the rationale for the common name and the ongoing efforts for recognition of ‘Zeliangrong’ as a Scheduled Tribe by the Govt of India. A brief analysis of the Zeliangrong Movement was also presented. They feel that “the prospect of the ZLR people is bright and promising, if the people remain steadfast and united”. Despite various problems, hardships, conflicts and threats from internal and external sectors, the ZLR people had been able to withstand the onslaughts throughout the centuries.  It is for all of us to decide the future course of actions keeping in mind the collective goal and aspirations of the people.


Generation Next                                     

Rampau Michui, Lecturer BBC, Guntur


Rampau Michui in his paper talked about the systematic deficiencies in the frontal organisations in that there is no proper established communication linkage between the public and the frontal organisations. There appears to be  no clear cut prioritisation of issues. There is no mechanism for utilising the experiences of past leaders who had served the organisations. There is also absence of organised think-tank in our community to advise the organisations.

He has put forward suggestions for establishing effective communication channels between the frontal organisations and the public.  The organisations should identify priorities and set specific goals. They need to move beyond from being a problem solving organisation to becoming a force for enhancing our people’s rights. Organisational structures need to be reviewed to include active and reliable senior leaders. A strong think-tank to counsel our organisations needs to be built up..

He proposed constructing new bases for identity formation by way of (a) canonization of ZLR history by forming a body, which can perhaps be called ZLR History Association, to standardise our history, and (b) canonization of ZLR culture through documentation and dissemination by setting up cultural centres. He also emphasised the need for pluralistic, inclusive approach to unity.


ZPC and its Prospect: Then and Now              

  1. Elu Ndang, General Secretary, Zeliangrong Baudi, AMN


  1. Elu Ndang, Gen Secretary, Zeliangrong Baudi, AMN in his paper has highlighted the reasons behind the formation of the Convention, its hopeful journey and the assurances made by the Govt of India which sadly were not implemented.  He also brought out how the movement has been kept in abeyance keeping in mind the larger interest of the Naga National movement. He reminded us of the threats from the neighbouring communities. While we need not be an obstacle to the National Movement, we must be vigilant against the divisive forces. The pillars of ZLR society like the AZSU & ZYF must reconsolidate their positions, be rejuvenated and assert our right to determine our own political future.

 I believe that the papers presented today are a virtual gold mine of information and analytical insight. I am sure that they will serve as a reliable source of research material and equally important, as a source of inspiration to the readers.  I have been told that papers that are presented today will be posted in the Net. The organisers are also considering publishing them in a book form.


Finally, it has been an interesting time of interaction in the open forum. I am sure that each of us has been enriched by the discussions. Few of the points I would like to comment on. Some of us expressed the frustration with the laid back attitude of some of our people. We must remember as leaders that not everyone will answer to the call even though the cause is for common good. A community is composed of leaders, followers and laggards and I believe it is incumbent upon the leader to try his best to bring in the laggards also. This he has to do with reason, patience, charm and imagination. I believe that the magnitude of response to a cause is also an indication of the calibre of the leader.  We also seem to be a bit short on the fuse with those who do not agree with our viewpoint. I feel that we must learn to be amicable in our disagreement and treat others who disagree with us with love and respect too. If there be disagreement in an organisation, the answer does not lie in creating a new parallel organisation but in resolving the issue democratically within the organisation and accepting the decision of the majority.  I also feel that the frontal organisations need to put as much public pressure on the Govts for adequate basic infrastructure such as electricity, road, etc in our areas to facilitate asset build-up to bring about upward economic mobility of the people.

In closing, this has been a rich and rewarding experience for everyone here. Leaders from back home have been questioning and rightly so, on the contribution of the intellectual community outside the home states.  I think we have made a beginning, a historic beginning. If we have not come up with in equivocal answers to some of the wide reaching and important questions that we assigned ourselves, that is as it should be. This was intended as a time of presenting ideas and interaction, not a decision making one. The goal is to clarify the problems and suggest a feasible way forward. That, thanks to all of you, I think we have done.


Concluding Remarks

Rangro Herie,

Convener, ZELIANGRONG 2011


 ZELIANGRONG 2011 is not the end; not even the beginning of the end, whereas, this is just the end of the beginning, a new beginning for the BIG family to collectively join our hands, hearts and minds together and strive for excellence with one vision and one voice for our people. We as freelancer and Think-Tank need to prioritise our priorities in EDUCATION, ECONOMIC AND INTEGRATION for holistic development and progress of our family.


Educationally, we have a bigger responsibility to literally educate our people starting from the grassroots level. Time is here for us to pull up our shocks and go back to our root/home; join us in the adventure of ancestral/historical touring where we will get to meet the old folks and explore the places unvisits. Spare a penny and contribute to RINGTELO ENDOWMENT TRUST for meritorious awards for academic excellence.


Economically, let us preserve, protect, promote and transform our land to ORGANIC ZONE. Time is here for us to have our own planned cities, multi-national projects and industries in the beautiful valleys and hills. In response to the immense sanction from above, let us be a GOOD AND FAITHFUL STEWARD God by multiplying the talents and gifts we have.


Integration is the need of the moment; not only the socio-political Integration of Zeliangrong territories, which have been arbitrarily trifurcated into Assam, Manipur and Nagaland, but in pluralistic religious context too. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift that noble idea, passed on from our forefathers, the God-given promise that all are created in his image, all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue our full measure of contentment and happiness. WE SHALL OVERCOME.


Let me also take this privilege to express my sincere THANKS to:

  1. Special Invitees:
  2. Raitu Chawang, President, Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN) and his colleagues, Tingenlung John Pamei, President, AZSU (AMN) and his team, Romeo Palmei, President, ZYF from Manipur and Namnabi Hegui from Nagaland, and, representatives of Zeliangrong Theological Forum.
  3. Resource Persons:
  4. Akham Gonmei Newmei, former president AZSU Akham Gonmei Neumei, Former  President, AZSU, Mathiupuang Gonmei, Asstt. Registrar, IGNOU, Poujenlung Gonmei, General Secretary, Makaam Foundation, Rampau Michui, Lecturer, BBC, Guntur and K. Elu Ndang, General Secretary, Zeliangrong Baudi, AMN.
  5. Moderators: Alum Zlr and Asiam Newmai.
  6. Rapporteurs: Aaron Pamei and Samlam Hegwang.
  7. Special appreciationto Gainthoi Gonmei and his team for managing the event so well, Lumpiulung Kamson for taking care of the most challenging task of Finance matter and John B Chawang for his exceptional service for the same.
  8. Zeliangrong Welfare Association, Delhi, Zeliangrong Students’ Union, Delhi, Zeliangrong Christian Fellowship, Delhi and Peren District for their generous contributions and services.
  9. To all the members of Zeliangrong Naga and well wishers for the support through cash, kind and most importantly through PRAYERS. Bravo and KUDOS, you guys did it and I mean it from the depth of my heart. Once again Congratulations ZELIANGRONG 2011.

After all is said and done, let there be no mistake and regret, that our failure are to our indignity and our success are to the glory of God. In our success, may He humble us and in our failure may He forgive us. As the dawn breaks into beautiful day let us join our hands, hearts and minds together as One people with one vision and one voice in one accord; and march ahead; in order to accomplish the tasks and challenges ahead of us. God Bless Zeliangrong.   “ONE BIG FAMILY: ONE PEOPLE ONE VISION ONE VOICE”. ZELIANGRONG: RINGTELOU!


ZELIANGRONG 2011: Delhi Declaration

ZELIANGRONG 2011 with the theme “One People One Vision One Voice,” the first get-together of Zeliangrong Naga from different parts of India congregated at New Delhi on 22nd October, 2011. After a day-long interaction and deliberation the following resolutions have been unanimously passed by the house appealing to the Zeliangrong apex bodies to earnestly implement at the earliest in the interests of the Zeliangrong people:

  1. To protect Zeliangrong people, land and resources.
  2. To work for the Integration of Zeliangrong territories, which have been arbitrarily trifurcated into Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. The get-together opined that the early integration of Zeliangrong territories would invariably strengthen the process of Naga integration too.
  3. To continue to support the Indo-Naga peace process. The get-together also appealed the Zeliangrong apex bodies to be vigilant and see that the interests of the Zeliangrong people are ensured when the Indo-Naga settlement is arrived at.
  4. Appealed for peace and harmony and immediate cessation of all acts of hostilities and violence in Zeliangrong country. Zeliangrong Ringtelou!


              ZELIANGRONG 2011
                   Dated 22 October, 2011
             New Delhi






Luangdimai Citizens Forum: Genesis & Vision Statement

By Lumpiulung Kamson



As a follow up to the ZELIANGRONG 2011 conclave, which was organized by “Zeliangrong Naga” group of the social website Facebook on 22nd Oct. 2011 at New Delhi, it was strongly felt by the members of this group to have a proper forum with a suitable name to network and coordinate among the members and with other organizations. Therefore, after a series of discussion the members have unanimously agreed to form a forum by the name, Zeliangrong Citizens Forum on 11th November, 2011.

 Aims and objectives: The Zeliangrong people traditionally live in the three states of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. However, many are now living in different parts of India and the world at large for either pursuing their studies or doing jobs in various organizations. Hence, there is a strong urge among the Zeliangrong people living in different parts of the world to have a close interaction and discuss issues of common concern and interest to the Zeliangrong people using modern mode of technology available to us. This forum is neither an apex body of the Zeliangrong people nor a parallel body to any of the existing organization in the Zeliangrong country. Even though we might be living in different parts of the world we have the greatest concern and love for our homeland. We also strongly feel that we have every right and obligation to participate in the decision making process and the building of our society. Therefore, the Forum endeavors to:


  1. Bring awareness to the Zeliangrong people about their common origin and history.
  2. Work for Zeliangrong unity and integrity.
  3. Work for all round development in socio-economic, cultural and educational pursuits of the Zeliangrong people.
  4. Continue to work for the realization of the ZELIANGRONG 2011’s theme, “ONE PEOPLE, ONE VISION, ONE VOICE”

Membership: The Zeliangrong Citizens Forum shall comprise of all the Zeliangrong people irrespective of age, place, educational qualifications, occupation and sex.

Executives: Since the Forum came into being chiefly through the efforts of the “Zeliangrong Naga Facebook” members, it has been decided to keep the existing Administrators as the Convenors until such time the full fledged Executive Members are elected and other modalities of the Forum worked out. The convenors are as follows:

  1. Rangro Herie, Convenor
  2. Ageng Newmai, Co-convenor
  3. Lumpiulung Kamson, Co-convenor